Monday 5 October 2020

 Unified Approach towards Conserving Asiatic Lions in 

Gir National Park

The globally famous Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary has secured a place in the list of
seven protected regions selected for the noble approach of biodiversity conservation by the Eco-
Development Project. The World Bank has executed this entire project and the Global
Environment Facility is funding it. The forest conservation by the forest officials has also joined
in together; they all have started paying great simultaneous efforts in conserving the endmost
refuge of the endangered Asiatic lion species in Gir Forest.
Some prohibitory steps are being taken, such as bringing limitations to the number of tourists
visiting every year for Gir National Park safari or resettlement of people from the Maldhari
tribe residing at the protected zones. considered as 'core areas.' All these are being done to fulfill the needs of national policies under the Wildlife Protection Act.
The approach towards transferring the locality is one of the vital and most appreciating steps
among all the measures that have been taken for the fulfillment of the operation. This course of
action ensures restrictions for the inhabitants or tribal people of that area against entering the Gir
Wildlife Sanctuary. Thus, the Gir forest map'score areas will now stay protected according to
the necessity of the operation.

The steps taken through this whole course of action to save the Gir Wildlife Sanctuary has
brought about a diminution in the access of the Maldharis to the jungle resources. Thus, the
restriction has given birth to an unspoken cold conflict between the forest department and the
ones who were the forest dwellers till a while back.
However, years of experience have made us realize that successful and productive management
of Sasan Gir Safari would not have been possible without meeting the local inhabitants' well-
founded needs. The ongoing study regarding the entire matter is an endeavor to delve deep into
the necessities of the localities and be mindful of the people's perception towards the
conservation of the wildlife sanctuary. Besides, the survey helps the people from the forest
realize the benefits of the Gir National Park's conservation process.

The surveys were done carrying out some sample villages selected from three categories, i.e.,
forest settlement, revenue, and nesses (from both the East and West Division under the protected
areas). The study disclosed that the concept of conserving the Gir Forest had been well-
supported by the inhabitants. However, the fear of insecurity has sometimes invited hindrance
towards apt preservation. Dependence of the localities on the forest is not noteworthy, apart from
the lower-income community. But, somehow, the forest department's indifferent attitude is also
responsible for the conflict among the animals/humans/crops.

For gir safari booking visit

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